Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Other Vancouver

I got an early start, actually too early to get in on the Travelodge's free breakfast. I also realized that I forgotten some thing, so I headed off to Walmart, and had an egg Mc Muffin. I also stopped at an AM/pm, and got a surprise! Full service.
The Drive up to Portland was uneventful. I stopped several times at rest stops, lost my Daughters of the King cross (yet again!), and missed the the turnoff for the 205, which worked out, as I found a Baja Fresh and had lunch. here's a pic from a rest stop.
I had some spare time, so I drove out to the old Crown point and the Columbia gorge. Very pretty!
I found the hotel and got changed. Dave Van Gundy and Joe Keenan showed up, and we were on way.
The trip was uneventful. we found ourselves in the middle of a road construction project, so we did off roading. we road along the river and crossed the 205 bridge to Vancouver, Washington. Dave and Joe weren't sure of the Route to Ft Vancouver, but the city had provided directional signage. Neat! we stopped at a Diary Queen so Joe could check his blood sugar (he just had a liver transplant and that made him a Type II diabetic.) After a scenic tour of vancouver, we wound up at ft. Vancouver. We got there within a half of closing, which was good, since it meant our admission was free.
We had to laugh, as Dave had never been there, and got so involved the park ranger let us stay an extra 10 minutes.
we then took a tour of the old Army Installion, which I did not know existed. After going through downtown Vancouver. we crossed over the Columbia again.
Once we got back into Oregon, we paralleled the river until we had climb back up to Gresham Dave's wife Enda, met us after she got off work at Team Estrogen.
It had been raining off and on all day, so when go to some railroad track that crossed the street at an odd angle, the pavement rose up to meet me :(
But it was all good. I've got a little bruise, and scraped up a brake lever. I'll live to pedal another day.

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