Monday, May 28, 2007

A permanent on the Bike?

my report:
I was going to check out a permanent route that I put together. A permanent is like a brevet, only except anyone any organize ,and you can ride anytime. But , it only count for RUSA credit, not ACP (got everyone confused?:rolleyes:) I decided to sleep and only do the part I was not familar with, which would give me 100K/62M for the day.. I rode down to Riverside, Crossed the Santa ana, and went by the [URL=""]Mission inn[/URL]. I cam to a corner that I usually turn at. I decided to straight. I thought it would be flat , but I went down, and what goes down must come up. As in a mile of 10% grade. Such fun!:o I got to the top pf the hiil, and watched Riverside's own version of Rolling thunder. No pics:(
I went back down the hill and spent the next 10 miles on Victoria Street. IF you find yourself in Riverside with a bike, you should do this, It starts in a Victorian Neighborhood, and becomes a parkway line with Orange Groves and a Median filled with Palms and roses:
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
I wound through some neighborhoods and found one of my controls, a Circle K:
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I then crossed the Santa Ana again , and turned on a side road. My route goes up the main road, but The house grow faster than the roads do, si It hough may be i should see what this road was like. It had an unusual name:
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and with a name like that, what's across the road?
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
I didn't stop by for free samples. Oh Darn!
I made a loop around Ontario airport and cam back home for lunch at noon with 70 miles. I decided that I felt pretty good, so I got the bike back out and did another 30 miles (bascially the same route I did Friday) to get 100 miles in:)

Friday, May 25, 2007

San Dimas Canyon and memory and Cactus

Now , don't tell i'm the only one who rode today.
Once again, I was inspired By Pook's riding in the 'hood and the Cactus thread on Team Estrogen
I set off to do one of favorite rides - San Dimas canyon. I pedal through Upland and found some pretty[URL=""] Jacaranda[/URL] trees in full flower, but the photos didn't come out.
I stopped in San Dimas to shoot an impressive wild cactus. then pedaled into the entrance to the canyon:

Hard to believe that you're only 5 miles from the LA mess, isn't it?
up through some switchbacks and then to a view of the flood control reservoir:

There is a monument to cyclist who rode off the edge of a cliff. it always gets to me. He was riding a recumbent for the first time and lost it around a curve. what make it difficult for me , was I on the road that day. I remember exchanging waves with him. A firefighter stopped and we talked about him and the canyon in general

here's the Fire station. I turned around and started home
I photographed some more cacti in Claremont and headed home

my place is in the background of the first, down Red Hill. I only wish I could live up there
34 miles. pace: who cares?

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Happy Jack or Bust!

I was rather anxious about this brevet. It was a long drive, and I was
stretching my budget to accommodate it. I had also only done 304 miles
this month
I drove out to camp Verde. We started at a dude ranch. I had to camp
out- Bringing my own tent. I got there about 4:30 set up my tent, went
back into town to get something to eat, listened to a
Paris-Brest-Paris presentation and went to bed. We started at 4:00 AM
, and I was going to wake up at 3:00.
My Cell Phone went off, and I got ready and had breakfast. The first ½
mile was on a dirt road. One of the other riders wiped out in front
of me. I noticed my bike was my making a strange noise. Turns out, my
front brake was rubbing. I really couldn't see well enough to fix it,
so I released it and pedaled on to a Convenience Store by I-17. A
mechanic who was doing support of the 600 K help me get going, but it
cost me about a half hour. The sun soon came out, and we pedaled into
Cottonwood and began climbing into Sedona. Out first checkpoint was
there, and I made it with 15 minutes to spare. I was on my again , and
I was riding with about two other rides, who were doing the 600K to
the Grand Canyon. We were riding on 89A through Oak Glen Canyon. Very
pretty ride, but we had fallen so far behind that we had deal with
"tourist trap" traffic. I almost became a hood ornament too many
times. We also wound doing about a mile of 11% grade up the
switchbacks. I was debating whether to turn around or press on. I had
spoken with Spokewench from Team Estrogen – she lives in Flagstaff –
about riding together from the second checkpoint. I had told her
10:30. I actually got there at 12:00. To make matters worse, the
cutoff time was 11:00. I had tried to call the RBA, but got voice
mail. I also got Spokewench's answering machine.
I could have doublebacked on 89A, but that was an experience I didn't
want to repeat. I also assumed I was already DNF (which turned out to
be wrong). I decided that if I cut out the descent into Pine, and
climb back out, I should be OK. I had a couple of Hot dogs, and bid
adieu to my new friends
I proceeded down Lake Mary Road . I saw lost of riders heading the
other way, Finally, I ran into a lady riding a pink and black Giant –
we both turned around. Spokewench had a friend with her and we rode
together for little while . Great fun to actually meet and chat with
someone face to face.
I made to the next checkpoint at Mormon Lake only 30 minutes late. I
had an ice cream bar (because I felt like it!) and a candy bar, and
pressed on. At this point I was begging to succumb to the "distance
riding is 90 % mental" rule. I was riding to just to get back, and not
to enjoy the ride. It was a very lonely road. I think it even beats
Homey's Vineyard Canyon
I made to the fourth checkpoint only 15 minutes late – I was
improving, but it was 5:30. all the customers thought I was nuts. I
had a brownie, and mixed up some more Perpetum. At the junction of 87
and 260, I made made my choice, back down to Camp Verde. I found that
actually being on the final leg helped me tremendously. That, and the
15 mile of 6% grade. Downhill I turned off the main road, and headed
back to the ranch. There was one section 15-20% grade that I walked –
I was pretty pooped at that point. Two riders from Utah caught me, and
we rode in together. Susan , The RBA, told me that coming into
checkpoints late was Ok. - so maybe I should have gone on. But, I had
a feeling the midnight deadline was ironclad, and I would have been
pushing to to do that – so I'm happy I did what I did. The other
riders and I chatted for a while before going to bed. I was also
surprised to see my buddies from the 600K. one of them had a Atrial
fibrillation. so they decided to DNF together.
I woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, and came
back to ranch pooch(mutt Dog) in my sleeping bag!
Sunday morning we went and fed the Buffalo, and I left to drive back to LA.
A great ride. Granted I did DNF, but that's part of the package called