Tuesday, August 18, 2009

On to Astoria

After spending four hour getting my car fix, I was soon on the road to Astoria.
I decided to drive up the i-5 to Longview, WA. The drive up was uneventful. after longview, I crossed back over the Columbia and took US 30 to Astoria, it took longer, because it was mostly a two lane road.

once I got there, I decided to head up to the Astoria Column:

150 steps later:

There was also an Indian burial canoe:

Then I went to the Columbia river Maritime Museum:

The highlight was an old Coast Guard lighthouse ship:

Next to it was the USCGS Shark:

Coming back to my car, I saw the Astoria Trolley:

I then headed across the bay to Ft Calstop, where Lewis: and Clark wintered:

I had to check on Mr Drouillard:

and Here's Mr lewis:

I then headed over to the park and set up camp. Joe was testing a front wheel drive Raptobike

I decided to check out the wreck of the Peter Iredale before the Marshmallow roast:

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