Sunday, April 29, 2012

It's cold , Y'all

It was thirty-two when I woke up on Saturday, so no riding. I made Pimento Cheese instead: Nice basic dish(Mayo, Cheddar, and Pimentos), although I probably shouldn't have used the Olove Oil Base Mayo. I headed across the river for My Hair appoinment: Stopped at the bike shop for their sale: Before heading to Massachusetts and the Ashuwillticook Rail Trail: Nice trail, if a little short at 11 miles. End in Adams: Old Factory: so Nice: Today, I have flat that took me an hour to fix. Of course, I was in Troy: It was a pinhc flat, which I've been seeming to get a lot oif lately. May have to confine the recumebent to trail, and keep the 7300 for street duty.

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