Thursday, May 20, 2010

Bike to work

Today was bike to work day. My first time doing it for about 7 years.
Starting out on route 66:

Hardest part: going under the Pacific Electric:

Crossing over into Upland:

At Euclid, there's the Madonna of the trail
From 5-20-2010

Crossing over into LA county and the City Of Claremont:
From 5-20-2010

The Mother Road:

The name of the restaurant is Sushi Cruise:
From 5-20-2010

Claremont Village:

Refueling station. so much for my diet
From 5-20-2010

get on the train:
From 5-20-2010

get off in El Monte:
From 5-20-2010

more food!
Then I get on the bus:

Say Hello to Eloy:

go two miles, cross the street:
From 5-20-2010

and I'm at work:

I wound up two LA Metro Patck kits, a City of ElMonte pencil, and a City of ElMonte tape measure.
It was fun, but I did have to skip out on the club banquet. But then riding to and from work is the best part of the day. Despite the fact that I left my water bottle and laptop charger at home

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