Sunday, January 11, 2009

The other Cucamonga

Since I'm not supposed to ride I did a walk. I know, you're say another boring set of photos from the rail trail
Only I decided to hike into Cucamonga canyon
From 1-11-2009

From 1-11-2009

It starts out ok:
It's very steep for the fist half mile. Then you come to a gate
From 1-11-2009

From 1-11-2009

From 1-11-2009

It gets more steeper and turns to dirt. Then you start to descend
Eventually you get to Cucamonga creek, so totally not LA:
From 1-11-2009

From 1-11-2009

From 1-11-2009

Then I came back up and home:(
but still had great views:
From 1-11-2009

From 1-11-2009

From 1-11-2009

So in some ways not riding is better I don't I could have done this on a bike.
And I was only 6 miles from home

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