Sunday, July 03, 2011

I laid the camera down right here...

I took my brother on a trip to Fort Des Chartes

Fort des Chartes is about 5 miles north of Praire Du Rocher, Il on the Mississippi river. The first fort (of wood) was built in 1720. Flooding from the Mississippi destroyed the first two wooden fort, and the French Government built a stone fort in the 1750's. The Treaty of Paris in 1763 ended the French and Indian or seven years war, and transferred control of the east bank of the Mississippi to the British. They kept the fort active until the eve of the American Revolution in 1772, when they abandoned it and moved the troops eastward.
It set derelict until 1913, when the State of Illinois acquired the property. The Powder magazine was all that was left standing. It was restored as a "make work" project by the WPA in the Great Depression. It's used a museum:

They are some difference besides no shot, such as using aluminum foil as wadding (less fire risk), and lees powder. Still impressive.
I was going to take him back via Saint Genevieve and the Modoc ferry, but it was not running due to the flood. We went back down the East bank. I kidded him that we should stop in a redneck bar and get a frosty Bud or O'Douls, but he got mad because of his diabetes. We stopped instead at Chester, ll (home of Popeye) and had lunch at Hardee's. My Brother had a Monster thick burger(Ahem!), whereas I had the more svelte Turkey burger. Sadly to say, There was Spinach options,so we had to sulk out of town to avoid bullies
My brother feel asleep in the trip back. I went by Devils' Island ( more research) before heading home to get ready for my nephew's wedding, where I lost my camera. Oh well, I needed a new one

Rehearsal Photo

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