Saturday, July 04, 2009

Just another day

I've been itching to take my new recumbent out for some long distance ride, so Today I decided to do my beach perm
Things started out well I had one my red white, and blue jersey, and got to the first control at sunrise. I really didn't have much problems going down to the beach, but didn't want to stop, as I knew I wanted to avoid the heat and winds in the afternoon
I did do my usual stop at Anaheim Stadium. The halo wasn't lit up, so The Angels must have lost last night.

I made to beach at about 9AM

so I stopped at the circle k (alas, no Bill or Ted) before heading back out.
I took some photos of the river going back:

Eventually, I came to the place in Yorba Linda where it had burned last year, The damage is more a apparent

Finally at the end. CalTrans and OCTA(Orange County Transportation Authority) wants to close this section for 3 years starting in October so they can do work on the freeway

during this time I had discovered that I had lost my bite valve for my camelbak (about at the Honda Center) I still had some water, so I was the shutoff valve to keep water in . It did make it hard to drink
Quintessential so Cal. In-n-OUt go the idea to cross the palms from the move "it's a Mad Mad Mad world"

I stopped at the control in Mira Loma about 1, which was at a Von's grocery store. I wasn't sure it was open, but it was, as was everything else in the shopping center. I was gong to take detour earlier when I was in Yorba Linda to see about getting another bite valve, but I thought the would be closed. Turns out it was just another day(sorry, Mr Mellencamp's music doesn't allow embedding)
coming out of Vons, I saw an unusual sight for here: a corn field

The I turned on Mission, and things went awry.
By then the temp was 96 and I was riding into 16 mph wind with 20mph gusts(yes, these are the official figures from Ontario Airport) for about 10 miles , plus I doing the most elevation gain. If you've been on Mission in Ontario (yes I should have taken a pic), you know , it's stereotypical California desert. I almost detoured on Campus instead of Euclid figuring it would be shadier, but I thought Euclid would faster. hit every light.
I stopped at 7-eleven store in Upland to refuel, and almost headed for home, since it was only two miles. In retrospect, I should have stopped at the AM/PM at Grove and mission.
Speaking of AM/PM, the one in Claremont was my next stop. The only problem was that I started to cramp up real bad going over the 210 freeway. I had to ride out of my pedals and stop after light to massage my legs. but I eventually got back to the shopping center. I was debating which coffee to reward myself at It's a Grind - The Funky Monkey or the Road Warrior?
Turns out it wasn't just another day for them. I wound up next door at the smoothie place
hope you had a better fourth than I did.


ItsNotAPlace said...

Wow... quite a ride Jana!

benthead said...


You're leaving us breathless with anticipation! was the bike?

Here's hoping you have a better ride next time!
