Saturday, March 21, 2009


I decided to do some thing differnt
I got invited to a Recumbent only ride along the Santa Ana River trail. It was mainly organized as a Cruzbike gathering, but Steve Albano and I tagged along
From 3-21-2009

Myself, Tomm, Steve, Mark, and ?
We were soon on out way to the beach:
From 3-21-2009

we took a break by Honda Center:
From 3-21-2009

Before we knew we were at the beach. I decided to have heuvos rancheros
From 3-21-2009

From 3-21-2009

We were talking during lunch and all agreed we liked doing than doing "training rides" with "serious" roadies, so We started making plans to do it again
I found with my new jersey, I could take pictures while riding. cool!
From 3-21-2009

From 3-21-2009

We stopped and took a picture of all the Cruzbikes:
From 3-21-2009

I decided to make a metric century out of the day (62 miles, or 100 Kilometers). Unfortunately, I ran into one of those "serious" roadies. I had committed an unpardonable sin a fat lady had passed him on a "training ride" with a la-z-boy (or is it la-z-girl)oh the shame! Maybe I should bring along an ego inflation pump.
This has actually motivated me. while I enjoy hangout with my buddies from the bicycle club, I don't enjoy do the ride. I'm going to try something different on the club ride on Saturday,that will hopefully allow me to enjoy the ride and company. Is this where the Cowgirl rides away? We'll see.

1 comment:

FlyingLaZBoy said...

Hey, Jana --
Congrats again on getting 'bent... despite the circumstances that caused it... and isn't it great fun carrying a camera on rides??? If you ever get to Dallas, plan to ride with the RBENT group!
