Sunday, April 10, 2011

Wabash or oubache?

I started out today by going to Church at Trinity Episcopal in Fort Wayne. It was my first experience with Anglican High Mass. I think I knelled at all the Right times.
My Characters walked Down the Wabash from Fort Wayne to Cape Girardeau, so I thought I should drive down it. I had set a goal for today of Fort Ouiatenon outside of Lafayette. I Started out by going to Huntington, home of former Vice president Dan Quail err Quayle.
I was soon outside of Lagro:

I stopped at Wabash, where I noticed a Steep Bluff next to the River(must work into story) and then Peru:

I was following Old US 24. It was mostly marked as Business 24, but some places it had been decomssioned, so I got lost a couple of times. I was going to have lunch at Happy burger in logansport, but there were observing the sabbath, too:

I had to settle for Arby's.
I decided to follow the old Towpath , even it slowed me down considerably:

i had noticed that it was the Pottawatomie Trail of death, similar to the Cherokee Trail of tears that goes through Cape Girardeau:

I wonder why I like this road:

My next stop, was site of the battle of Tippacanoe:

Tecumseh and his Brother, The Prophet, Tenskwata, made the trek to Cape Girardeau:

Whose side are you on?

the enemy, gen harrison:

note the bent Rammer:

I spent some time with the Park ranger
more to come on this Story Tomorrow

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