Sunday, July 26, 2009

Thoughts on the tour

This is going to be short but hopefully sweet
I was watching the Tour de France stage yesterday when I noticed a sign for the Côte d'Azur. Normally, you would think of swankiness (after all this is the Rivera)
Only except I've been studying French, so I saw "blue coast". quite a difference.
I was think about how perception color our reality.
I've been wearing some arm coolers lately to help with my sun problem (too many Irish ancestors). Most people think I'm nuts or have a medical problem (well, my genes are more suited for Northern Europe than Southern California :) ) but they do work. I've got the leg coolers, too, but I haven't worn them in public yet. I look too much like I walked of the set of "The Mummy enters the Tour De France".
And there's my new $150 laptop.
yes that's not a typo. how did it get down to $150?

plus it doesn't run Windows, but is Penguin powered.
sounds too good to be true? click here

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Mother road

It took me two weeks to do this post.
The first week after church I decided to photograph two local Landmarks: The sycamore inn and the Magic Lamp inn in Rancho Cucamonga.
I did about same ride to church both weeks, out to Fontana and Back on the Pacific Electric Trail. The first week I had to arrive early to do altar guild
The magic lamp is 50's faux middle eastern architecture at it's finest:

and a nice sign:
From 7-12-2009

I then went across the Street to the Sycamore, and they do have a a grove of Sycamores outside, and the grounds have been used as a tavern since 1848. but what's this?
From 7-12-2009

It was erected by the native Daughters of the Golden West to commemorate the life of Billy Rubuttom
Skip to next Sunday:
It was still a transport hot spot in the Early 20th century. This is the old Pacific electric bridge over route 66:

Driving by here a couple of weeks I noticed something, so I decided to check it out:

It's an old section of the "mother road" -Rt66 - was probably bypassed when they built the over pass - which means it actually predates Rt66(the old San Bermardino road).
Sorry my bike did not get to make the trip:

Decided to get a photo of the other side of the Bridge . Funny I didn't know Rancho Cucamonga had a subway(maybe the mean the sandwich shop)

enough fun, now, will some turn off the blast furnace so I can go outside?

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Third time is the Charm

For the third time in as many weeks, I found myself bicycling on the Santa Ana River trail.
I decide to start out earlier to see if Could get a metric in. I got down there about 6:15 and rode back up to Green River
I made to green river and decided to celebrate by taking a pic:

Unfortunately, this section of the trail will be closed for three years in October. It happens to be my favorite section.
I made to the park and spotted Wille, we slowly started to gather. It was a popular day to ride the trail, as the parking lot was full.Mark and I counted the riders. I think if you count everybody who rode pat of the way with us, we had about 20-25 folks show up
some milling around prior to the ride start:

The Gentlemen in the orange helmet cover is from New Hamphshire . he was here visiting his son
Glenn borrowed one of Ted's bikes since his trike was broken:

From 7-11-2009

we got ready to roll out when I heard a voice crying out"Stop". we had another rider who had trouble finding some where to park. So we waited:

Our first regroup was at Katella Ave/Honda Center:

we were off again ,and we did stop until we go to the beach. we also picked up a couple on a tandem

we then Proceeded to "invade" Newport Burgers, where there were yet more recumbent riders:

After a nice brunch and conversation, we headed back at our pace , with another regroup at the Honda Center:

Once we got back to Yorba Park, we found a nice shade and sat on bikes a talked./ Try that on a "real" bike!

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Just another day

I've been itching to take my new recumbent out for some long distance ride, so Today I decided to do my beach perm
Things started out well I had one my red white, and blue jersey, and got to the first control at sunrise. I really didn't have much problems going down to the beach, but didn't want to stop, as I knew I wanted to avoid the heat and winds in the afternoon
I did do my usual stop at Anaheim Stadium. The halo wasn't lit up, so The Angels must have lost last night.

I made to beach at about 9AM

so I stopped at the circle k (alas, no Bill or Ted) before heading back out.
I took some photos of the river going back:

Eventually, I came to the place in Yorba Linda where it had burned last year, The damage is more a apparent

Finally at the end. CalTrans and OCTA(Orange County Transportation Authority) wants to close this section for 3 years starting in October so they can do work on the freeway

during this time I had discovered that I had lost my bite valve for my camelbak (about at the Honda Center) I still had some water, so I was the shutoff valve to keep water in . It did make it hard to drink
Quintessential so Cal. In-n-OUt go the idea to cross the palms from the move "it's a Mad Mad Mad world"

I stopped at the control in Mira Loma about 1, which was at a Von's grocery store. I wasn't sure it was open, but it was, as was everything else in the shopping center. I was gong to take detour earlier when I was in Yorba Linda to see about getting another bite valve, but I thought the would be closed. Turns out it was just another day(sorry, Mr Mellencamp's music doesn't allow embedding)
coming out of Vons, I saw an unusual sight for here: a corn field

The I turned on Mission, and things went awry.
By then the temp was 96 and I was riding into 16 mph wind with 20mph gusts(yes, these are the official figures from Ontario Airport) for about 10 miles , plus I doing the most elevation gain. If you've been on Mission in Ontario (yes I should have taken a pic), you know , it's stereotypical California desert. I almost detoured on Campus instead of Euclid figuring it would be shadier, but I thought Euclid would faster. hit every light.
I stopped at 7-eleven store in Upland to refuel, and almost headed for home, since it was only two miles. In retrospect, I should have stopped at the AM/PM at Grove and mission.
Speaking of AM/PM, the one in Claremont was my next stop. The only problem was that I started to cramp up real bad going over the 210 freeway. I had to ride out of my pedals and stop after light to massage my legs. but I eventually got back to the shopping center. I was debating which coffee to reward myself at It's a Grind - The Funky Monkey or the Road Warrior?
Turns out it wasn't just another day for them. I wound up next door at the smoothie place
hope you had a better fourth than I did.