Friday, July 06, 2012

Mother gets a Pink Palace

I took Mom out the Pink Palace today. It's Memphis' History museum. another place I haven't been in 30 years. It was built by Clarence Saunders, who invented the Modern Grocery store by founding Piggly Wiggly in the 20's. He started to build a massive mansion in the 20's, but lost control of the Piggly Wiggly company during the Great Depression. He made a deal with the City of Memphis that he would give them the house, if they would forgive his property taxes. Yes, it's Pink: and inside, there's a Piggly Wiggly: , complete with 8 cent cans of campbell's soup. Mom checks out the Drug store: A bit more like Memphis' better known Mansion: we had Pizza for lunch, and then went out to Shelby Farm before looping by Uncle David's Real Estate office in Bartlett (still there!)

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