Friday, February 26, 2010

Inside at last

since I had the day, I decided to do a "Dry run" to make sure the key really did work
I got a better pic of the station:
From 2-26-2010

then I heard a train:

I tried the lock it worked:
From 2-26-2010
They were lockers, a water fountain, and tools inside:
From 2-26-2010

another train came by:

and there is a bike shop across the street:
From 2-26-2010

The City of Covina sponsors Claremont?
From 2-26-2010

I saw this and it got me to wonder if my Grandfather Lingo had been by here. he worked for the Santa Fe Railroad:
From 2-26-2010

I went up Mountain to Baseline. I did have to stop and fix a flat, but the view on baseline was worth it:
From 2-26-2010

the rest of the day was my typical day off : sign lease for apartment, Have lunch at Red lobster (Happy Birthday!), have oil changed in the car, stop by Rei (Folding bikes on sale! must resist) Stop and another new bike (not open yet) Have Albert cut hair, and stoc up at Fresh and Easy
I need another day off!

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