Sunday, February 21, 2010

Geeting Geeky

I took some time of my bike this weekend to attend the Southern California Linux Expo (SCALE)
I thought it would be prefect weather rain and 50 degrees. Well, the weatherman was wrong, as seen from the Roof of the Parking garage at the Westin LAX:
From 2-21-2010

I got inside and found the LinuxChixLA booth:
From 2-21-2010

We had a plethora of penguins. Sharon soon arrived, and we were explaining what we were about:
From 2-21-2010

We were going to work on on open source project, but decided the hall was too noisy. The restaurant was closed. so I went across the street in search of fine dining:
From 2-21-2010

From 2-21-2010

Nothing bring folks out like free wi-fi:
From 2-21-2010

Jill and her Chumby:
From 2-21-2010

And we gave a new twist to "booth Babes":
From 2-21-2010

I decided to leave early, but I did hit the Taco bell again, at the same time one of my Friend Solomon Chang(yes, he is both Chinese and Jewish).
I rode my bike to church as usual today. I thought rain was supposed to make things cleaner:
From 2-21-2010

lent: oh yes, I 'm trying to give up soda. I'm actaully doing good today.another one of my "disciplines" is watching the daily mass on EWTN (don't worry: i turn it off when they get into "virgin Mary " stuff:

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